Nexera UC
Unified Chromatographyというもう一つの可能性,ただひとつの可能性
近年,カラムテクノロジーの進歩により,液体と比較して低粘性・高拡散性などの特性を持つ超臨界流体を移動相として用いる超臨界流体クロマトグラフィー(SFC)が注目されています。HPLCとは異なる保持挙動が新しい分離選択性を提供し,更に超臨界流体の高い浸透性と拡散性は,HPLCに比べピーク形状や分離を改善します。さらに,Nexera UCの幅広いシステムラインナップは,装置稼働率最大化や分取精製業務の効率化も実現します。さらに超臨界流体を抽出溶媒に用いるSFEは,前処理作業を省力化し,オンラインでSFCと接続すれば分析業務全体の効率も大きく改善します。
従来法の前処理操作では試薬の添加や遠心分離など数多くの工程が必要となりますが,Nexera UCでは複雑な操作は必要としないため,農薬分析の大幅な効率化が図れます。
順相HPLCと同じ分析を行った場合,Nexera UCは溶媒の消費量を94%削減できます。
Nexera UC Supercritical Fluid Extraction/Chromatograph System Narration Eddition
Overview of the analytical technologies using supercritical fluid
Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) is a concept of designing analytical methods that are friendly to both chemists and environment. It is necessary for the GAC-based methods to retain the same analytical performance (e.g., accuracy, sensitivity) as those by their conventional counterparts. Large solvent consumption is particularly concerning in a food analysis where complicated sample extraction and chromatography are routinely practiced. Supercritical fluid is a state of matter just like gas or liquid, and the characteristics of CO2 supercritical fluid are nonflammability, easy handling, and low toxicity, which are relevant to the operator safety. This webinar will show the characteristics of supercritical fluids CO2, the practicality of analytical techniques using it, and the applicability to GAC.
Method development and Identification of Triacylglycerols species with SFC
Analyzing Triacylglycerols (TAGs) is essential to evaluate the quality and functionality of oils and fats. Chromatographic separation by typical methods that include GC and HPLC might be challenging due to a large number of TAGs species. Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) is one chromatography method that uses supercritical fluid (i.e. supercritical carbon dioxide) as a mobile phase. Here, we introduce the workflow of method scouting of SFC using Method Scouting Solutions and how to establish the optimized analytical method for TAGs species in natural oils and fats.
News / Events
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