Online dissolution of Metformin ER tablets using Electrolab Veritas-08 with Shimadzu Nexera FV



Extended release (ER) or sustained release dosage forms aredesigned to release a drug at predetermined rate in order tomaintain a constant drug concentration for a specific periodof time with minimum side effects. This can be achievedthrough variety of formulations.Due to modified dosage forms, dissolution study to assessquality and absorption patterns must be checked over longerdurations. This means the dissolution tests are in these casesgenerally run for more than 16 hours. Needless to say, thispresents both technical and administrative challenges.Maintaining complete traceability and avoiding errors are bigtasks in hand for lab managers running ER dissolution assays.Under these circumstances, it’s highly desired to have anautomated workflow starting from setting up of batch andaliquoting till reporting. Such a set-up will also enable operations without the need ofa chemist with complete reliability.Most critical aspect and need of hour, irrespective offormulation type is ensuring compliance. An automated setup with complete compliance is need of an hour so as toensure higher productivity and reduced errors with fulltraceability.
