[SCD Leak Check] Screen

Press HOME button - [Detector] - [Submenu] - [SCD Leak Check] to display [SCD Leak Check] screen.
You can check the SCD system for leakage.

  • Before performing pressure check, remove the column from the SCD and seal the connection.

  • PMT leak check and pressure check cannot be performed while the GC is turned on. It is because when [SCD Auto Start at GC Start] is set to [Enable], the SCD control is started upon the GC startup. Before check, stop the GC and ensure that gas and temperature control is terminated.

  • When the result of PMT leak check or pressure check is "Fail", control of the SCD cannot be started even after the GC is turned on. Determine the cause of leak and resolve the problem. Then perform leak check again.

No. Item Description
PMT Leak Check Press [Start] to start light leakage check for the photomultiplier.
Last Results Displays the latest result of light leakage check for the photomultiplier. There is a light leakage when [Fail] is displayed.
Pressure Check Press [Start] to start pressure leakage check for the furnace and detector.
Status After pressure leakage check for the furnace and detector starts, the progress is displayed.
Last Results Displays the latest result of pressure leakage check for the furnace and detector. There is a pressure leakage when [Fail] is displayed.
Reference Value Displays the diagnosis results of the leakage check for the furnace and detector at the time of shipment and when the sensor is replaced.

If the last pressure check results differ significantly from the reference value, it is possible that there is a pressure leakage in the furnace or the detector. In this case, check that the pressure inside the instrument has returned to atmospheric pressure. Then turn off the main power of the instrument and inspect the locations where maintenance was just performed.

About pressure checkΒΆ


A Pass determination is not performed.


A Pass determination is not performed.